Wednesday 14 January 2015

Day 2: The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death (2015)

Day 2: The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death (2015)

Starring: Phoebe Fox, Helen McCrory
Directed by: Tom Harper
Rotten Tomatoes: 23%
Verdict: 2.2

Well, this should be Foxcatcher, but I think you'll find I haven't broken any rules, yet. It's still a new film to me and so far I'm making good time. Luckily I don't have much to say about this one so I can move right onto the film I should be watching today!

The Woman In Black 2 is the seventh film in the revival one of Britain's most well know film brands, Hammer Horror. The film follows two school teachers who accompany a group of evacuees to escape the London Blitz. They find residence, regrettably, in the derelict Eel Marsh House. Phoebe Fox plays the youngest of the two teachers, Ms. Parkins, who discovers that the woman in black is up to her old tricks again, bumping off children, one by one.

Monday 12 January 2015

Day 1: Wild (2014)

Day 1: Wild (2014)

Starring: Reece Witherspoon
Directed by: Jean-Marc Vall
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Verdict: 4.2

I find it rather fitting that the first film in my year long journey of discovery just happens to be about the 3 month long (considerably more difficult) journey of Cheryl Strayed, a woman who after an emotional downward spiral after the passing of her mother, decides to hike the 1,100 mile journey from the Mexican to the Canadian border with a pack that she can barely lift, no preparation and a brain full of literary motivation.

We're back... With a twist...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After a long hiatus Review the 250 is back; and this time, we have a new calling!

Trying to review the entire IMDb 250 list was ambitious. Not necessarily due to the large volume of films, but instead because the list is completely, irritatingly fluid. I dare anybody to attempt to keep track of a rolling list with films that can fall in and out of the rankings like the wind. For me, it was a nightmare by the end of the week. Along with the fact that a lot of the films are very old and irrelevant in today's fast paced news cycle, I soon lost interest in this very daunting challenge. Instead I have been set a challenge that, whilst still ambitious, is a lot more manageable and current.

Friday 18 October 2013

News Flash! #6 (18/10/2013)


Hello and welcome to the sixth edition of NewsFlash!

First of all this is the first week of my first week back here at Review The 250 and It's already starting back with positive feedback. I'm glad that you're all enjoying my articles, but as always, one thing you can really do to help me is to give me a big share on your facebook pages, retweet my tweets and like my facebook page! This would really help me out and let my reach get further.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Sort of Stray Review; Rush (#187) (Out now)

Rush (Out Now!)

Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl.
Director: Ron Howard.
Rating/Volume: 8.3 (36,200)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld Cinemas (in 2D)

"I'm not into race car driving" said my Mum when I asked her excuse for not going out to see Rush (#186). I could see her point. At one point I wasn't even going to bother with this film. Largely for the same reason I never bothered with Senna. My lack of interest in F1 was mostly to contribute with the addition of my low knowledge of the film itself. But I am eternally pleased I did; and so was my Mum! Not only do I think this is an amazing story but it's phenomenally acted and it's even got me to appreciate F1. No wonder this film promptly entered the IMDB 250 list not too soon after its release.

A brief context for you, this film by Ron Howard (director of Cinderella Man and Frost/Nixon) follows the intense rivalry between the two drivers James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Niki Lauda (Daniel Brühl) during the infamous 1976 season of formula 1, where drivers life fast and always carry a 20% risk of death around their neck during every race.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Stray Review; Prisoners (Out Now)

Prisoners (Out Now!)

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal.
Director: Denis Villeneuve.
Rating/Volume: 8.2 (29,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld Cinemas (in 2D)

Well, sadly The Fifth Estate didn't have such a great opening in the UK box office which disappointingly only achieved sixth place. Prisoners however achieved number one status for its third week in a row, even though this box office rough patch that the UK is currently going through. 
So I thought I'd hold off on Rush (#186) for a day or two just to give you my opinion on what all this fuss is about. But trust me; it's fuss well justified.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Stray Review; The Fifth Estate (Out Now)

The Fifth Estate (Out Now!)

Starring:Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl.
Director: Bill Condon.
Rating/Volume: 5.9 (1,400)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld Cinemas (in 2D)

Well, well, well. What a character Julian Assange is. Holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy, London he has made it quite clear what he thinks of this film. 

After Benedict Cumberbatch personally wrote to him to request a meeting he replied to the star advising him to steer clear of this "wretched film". Even going to the trouble of listing all the main (supposed) inaccuracies of the film on his website I thinks it's fair to say he won't be showing up at his local cineworld in a hurry to catch it. Well, even if he could without being, y'know, arrested and shipped abroad in a prison boat.

Welcome back to Review the 250!

Review the 250
is back!

Review the 250 is back!

After a near 3 month absence from the interweb I'm back doing reviews, news and analysis.

Consider this the grand re-opening!

As well as higher quality coverage of upcoming films I hope to bring you more of my 'stray reviews' and give more specific opinion and insight into industry wide matters.

I really enjoy writing my reviews and hope you enjoy reading them. I encourage you to give your own opinions and messages as I will always answer back. Remember, all film is subjective and there are no right opinions so feel free to disagree!

Feel free to check back in time and read the reviews from my archive. Just keep scrolling down the homepage to view all my previous posts.

Enjoy the show!

@reviewthe250 #review250

Monday 29 July 2013

250 Review; Star Trek (#226)

Star Trek (#226/250)

Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (335,000)
My Rating: WATCH
Source: DVD


Four years ago now, I went to see this film in the cinema with my good friend AH. In front of us in the line were two lads about our age. Except as opposed to the stereotypical hoodies, jeans and trainers that we were wearing, they were rocking a full Starfleet uniform. In the middle of the day, on their own. One of them even had the ears. I had no idea Shrewsbury had such a dedicated community of nerds. This is just further proof that Star Trek, in its brief three series stint in the limelight, generated a loyal worldwide following in the most unlikely of places. Heavens, even my Mum was one! Needless to say, the new Star Trek (#226) film was a big cultural event not only was it a great nod to to the original series but has made its way onto my top film films ever.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Stray Review; The Wolverine (Out Now)

The Wolverine (Out Now!)

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Rila Fukushima.
Rating/Volume: 7.6 (5,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld Cinemas (in 2D)

As a lot of people know, I am a huge comic book film fan. I love all superhero films such as The Avengers (#158), Man of Steel and The Dark Knight (#6), heck, who doesn't!? I especially love all the more stylistic graphic novel adaptations such as V for Vendetta (#161), Watchmen and Sin City (#141). But the X-Men series, despite being one of the most popular and beloved superhero teams in comic book history, has really missed its opportunity to make a great film franchise. The first trilogy was a relative success in terms of box office results and critical reception. Except perhaps the last one. But ever since 20th Century Fox has really failed to give its hot property a chance to develop first with the controversial X-Men Origins: Wolverine and then with the continuity-trampling X-Men: First Class. I considered the X-Men universe as good as dead
. I was debating whether or not to even go and see The Wolverine as I thought It may be a sad excuse to line Rupert Murdoch's with even more cash. But I'm actually rather pleased I did.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

250 Review; Jurassic Park (#227)

Jurassic Park (#227/250)

Starring: Sam Neill, Laura Dern.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (320,000)
My Rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

I'm back on track this week as The World's End has been released in the UK and the four day special event is over. Thank you so much for your feedback and questions so far, I really appreciate it. I would still like some more feedback on what you thought of the special event format and whether you think I should do more events like that with the more notable and significant cinematic releases. My aim is to please, so please help me to help you! Anyway, my next 250 Review is here; Jurassic Park (#227).

Monday 22 July 2013

News Flash! #5 (22/07/2013)


Congratulations to The Duchess of Cornwall, Catherine Middleton on the birth of her son. Tonight I have been working on my Jurassic Park (#226) review, but I have got so swept up in #RoyalBaby fever that I have got waylaid. Don't worry it will be up by tomorrow, but this gives me chance to give you the latest news from the film industry. 

While you read, do enjoy this funny picture that has been circulating. I almost died!

Friday 19 July 2013

TWE 4 Day Special; The World's End (Out Now)

The World's End (OUT NOW!)

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost.
Rating/Volume: 7.4 (500)
My rating: DON'T WATCH
Source: Cineworld Cinemas

Welcome to the final instalment into Review The 250's four day The World's End special event where I have been reviewing Edgar Wright's top four films (one each day) concluding with The World's End today now that it in cinemas everywhere!

Well, I was very much looking forward to this film, as those of you who know me well will already know. It's all I have been talking about. My favourite film industry heroes back collaborating after a six year screen absence on a film idea that sounded so, them. My Mum said to me before we got to the cinema "I hope you won't be disappointed after all this hype you have given it". I said "No Mum! You don't know what you're saying". My Mum was not only correct, but she had foresight that was so dead on accurate it left me wondering whether she was a psychic. I often worried about finding movies that I genuinely disliked to review, because after all, I can't like everything and it's not as fun to read. I was one step away from reviewing Twilight just to give you all something a bit more juicy. I knew the time would come where I would find something I could lay into; I never thought it would be The World's End.

Thursday 18 July 2013

TWE 4 Day Special; Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Starring: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Rating/Volume: 7.5 (174,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Welcome to the penultimate instalment of Review The 250's four day The World's End special event where I have been reviewing Edgar Wright's top four films (one each day) concluding with The World's End tomorrow when it will be in cinemas everywhere!

Wednesday 17 July 2013

TWE 4 Day Special; Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost.
Rating/Volume: 7.9 (224,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Welcome to the second instalment into Review The 250's four day The World's End special event where I have been reviewing Edgar Wright's top four films (one each day) concluding with The World's End on Friday when it will be in cinemas everywhere!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

TWE 4 Day Special; Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (256,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Welcome to the first installment into Review The 250's four day The World's End special event where I will be reviewing Edgar Wright's top four films (one each day) concluding with The World's End on Friday when it will be in cinemas everywhere! Please see the introduction I uploaded yesterday.

Monday 15 July 2013

Stray Review; Monsters University (Out Now)

Monsters University (Out Now!)

Starring: Billy Crystal, John Goodman.
Rating/Volume: 7.7 (31,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld Cinemas (in 3D)

Welcome to my first review for this week! I'm sorry this is the first one, but even I'm allowed a holiday now and again. I wanted to make this review a special one so as soon as I found out Monsters University's first release in the UK was Friday I thought I'd better run out and watch it so I could give you this review.

The World's End Four Day Special Event (16-19/07/2013); Introduction

The Introduction! 

Well, the more film savvy readers amongst you will know that this Friday is the worldwide release date for the highly anticipated finale to Edgar Wright's Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, Consisting of Shaun of The Dead (Strawberry), Hot Fuzz (Original) and The World's End (Mint Choc-Chip). Because this trilogy is not only an historic event for British film making, fanboys lives and cinematic history, me here at ReviewThe250 thought that I would pay tribute to the trilogy and Edgar Wright's work the only way I know how; I am going to review the lot! For the next four days (starting tomorrow, on the 15th) I am going to review his biggest projects to date:

Tuesday 9 July 2013

News Flash! #4 (09/07/2013)


Okay, quite a big news day today! Let's start with the most exciting of the lot, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has just released a new teaser poster preceding the San Diego Comic Convention (#SDCC) taking place on the 18th July. The poster (right) is of Cap's iconic red, white and blue shield  but the paint has been completely scratched off. What could this symbolise? Has Cap met his match? Does this represent his impending doom, or at the very least some kind of intense struggle? You'll have to wait until the trailer to find out, which hopefully should be released at Comic Con. C'mon, at least a teaser, right? Failing that looks like we'll have to wait until April to find out. Oh well, It will be worth it! If you find out more about this upcoming Marvel phase 2 film then click the link below to access my YouTube video on the matter. You'll want Part 2. Feel free to comment and give me any of your opinions on my videos and any of the Marvel phases.

Friday 5 July 2013

250 Review; Beauty and the Beast (#238)

Beauty and the Beast (#238/250)

Starring: Paige O'Hara, Robby Benson.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (174,000)
My Rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Well, well, well. I thought I'd soldier on with Disney today as I have some spare time after I managed to complete my three video long explanation of the Marvel cinematic universe. I think it turned out well, even if every single thumbnail made me look at if I was having a stroke. Thanks a bunch, Google! I'm going to start hopefully uploading about two or three videos a week to start and I will soon have my artwork finished by, the one and only, Mr Alli Vanes (See News Flash! #3). Anyway, on with the review.

Thursday 4 July 2013

News Flash! #3 (04/07/2013)


News flash! Guess what!? A day early, ladies and gentlemen, my first video blog!

I decided to do my first set of videos on a topic that I'm really into at the moment; the Marvel cinematic universe. This covers basically Iron man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and every Avenger! I have decide to focus on the rumors surrounding the upcoming phase 2 and 3 films and the rumors and controversies arising from them so far. I'm still getting to grips with the editing and whatnot, so please bear with me. I'm going to try and get the third part up by tomorrow night for you all.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Stray Review; Now You See Me (Out Now)

Now You See Me (Out Now!)

Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo.
Rating/Volume: 7.5 (39,000).
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld cinemas

Well, I only saw this movie a few hours ago, so I thought I'd get it out of the way while it's still fresh in my head. I usually see films on a Wednesday with my girlfriend, but as we had scheduling conflicts my Mum took me instead; good ol' Mum! Even so, Now You See Me still ended up being a great two hours of magical entertainment. Just in case you aren't familiar with it, I've put the link to a trailer down below.

Ratatouille (#229)

Ratatouille (#229/250)

Starring: Patton Oswalt, Lou Romano.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (291,000)
My Rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Back on track! Number 229 in the ever changing IMDB top 250 list. Believe it or not, the most requests that I receive to do reviews are mostly people wanting Disney films. 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Stray Review; World War Z (Out Now)

World War Z (Out Now!)

Starring: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos.

Rating/Volume: 7.4 (34,000)
My Rating: WATCH (IN 3D)
Source: Cineworld Cinemas (in 3D)

This is the first review I've done all week, despite the promise that I'm going to do them every weekday. Many apologies! I'm not going to go into it now, however, I will be doing a second 'Newsflash' post; so do go and take a look. I thought this film would be a nice way to get me back into the swing of things while I start to get the first video on my Youtube channel up this week.

A quick intro to the film for those of you unlucky people who haven't had the pleasure, World War Z is an apocalyptic zombie film that follows UN employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) as he travels (what's left of) the globe to find a cure for the deadly virus that's turning the entire human race into running zombies; the worst kind of zombies! 

Friday 28 June 2013

News Flash! #2 (29/06/2013)


Hello! If you are still reading my blog after these past few weeks, then congratulations!

First off I would like to draw attention to some readership stats that have cropped up. It seems that for about a week now, about half of all my readers have been Russian! I don't particularly know what has caused this sudden increase in traffic from Russia but I am certainly not complaining. So, a big shout out to all my new Russian readers! Спасибо и продолжайте читать!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Shutter Island (#231)

Shutter Island (#231/250)

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (395,000).
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Hello there, my beloved readers! I first start with an apology. The day before last, I took a day off from blogging to revise for my final exam. But last night, I failed you all. I went out to the pub to celebrate my last exam, without considering my readers. All night you had to go without one of my reviews. And for this, I am deeply sorry. I have a 50th birthday party tonight, but I'm taking this time out to give you my opinion on Shutter Island (#231) because you deserve that! Also, don't worry, I'm officially finished college tomorrow, so you'll be recieving fresh content maybe even two time a day! You lucky lucky people! My readers deserve my full attention and that's what you're going to get! On a separate note, I just thought I'd mention that yesterday two thirds of my viewers were from Russia. So, whoop go Russia! Unless you're just the one person who visited it many times in one day. In that case, you're too cool my friend, too cool!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Rain man (#236)

Rain man (#236/250)

Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (250,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Netflix

Finally, my highly anticipated review of the 1988 classic Rain Man (#236)! I apologise for the lateness of this essay but unfortunately I have been bogged down with friends birthdays and shopping trips (it's a hard life) and I felt it was important to get that Star Trek into Darkness (#189) review before it left the cinemas (I hope you read and enjoyed it). But don't worry, I'm still very committed to the cause and will be working hard to get my YouTube channel up and running with content flowing by next week. That done, here we go!

I'm glad I've managed to do this review relatively soon in the project because I love this film! I hope that none of you are starting to think I'm not a very good critic; this is my 6th film review and so far I love them all! This may be the hazard of trying to review the 250 best films. Will I find any of them bad? I will try and present them as I see them and I will hopefully be able to criticise some films. If not, I can at least leave you with an idea of whether you will like it or not. Because my main objective is to educate I guess that, in a way, is more important.

Sort of Stray Review; Star Trek Into Darkness (#186) (Out now)

Star Trek Into Darkness (#186/250)

Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto.
Rating/Volume: 8.1 (105,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld cinemas

Now, technically, this isn't a stray review. I know readers like reading more up to date film reviews as well as my Top 250 film reviews so Star Trek Into Darkness (#186) is one I've been thinking about reviewing for a day or two now. However, my thoughts were concreted by the discovery that this sequel has in fact entered the Top 250! Making this a great opportunity not only to review this film while you have a few days left to go and see it in the cinema (at least in the UK) but whilst also crossing it off my list. Good thinking, Will!

Sunday 16 June 2013

News Flash! #1 (17/06/2013)


Welcome to the first of what I hope will be many news flashes in the year to come!

First I would just like to thank my so far 400 readers over the past week from the UK, USA, Germany, The Netherlands, India and Australia  A great achievement so far and I hope you're all enjoying my reviews. I also hope I'm inspiring you to go out and watch these great films.

The Untouchables (#246)

The Untouchables (#246/250)

Starring: Kevin Costner, Sean Connery.
Rating/Volume: 8.3 (153,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Netflix

As of today, this film has moved down the charts position! From #243 to #246. Commiserations to The Untouchables (#246)!  Now, this is probably going to happen a lot. The list is fluid. It will allow films to move up and down the rankings as the number of votes increases. It's a good system, just not when you're trying to keep a track of every single movement of all 250 films! Nevertheless, I will attempt to keep more of a track of the films that enter/leave and give you an up to date ranking as I go. Anyway, on to my latest film; academy award winning The Untouchables (#246).

Friday 14 June 2013

Stray Review; Man of Steel (Out now)

Man of Steel (Out now!)

Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams.
Rating/Volume: So far, unrated.
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld cinemas (in 3D)

Today, because it's quite a momentous occasion in the 2013 film calendar, I thought I'd take a moment to review Zack Snyder's summer epic, Man of Steel and explain its significance to the future of the DC/Warner Bros superhero movies. Let me tell you it definitely did not disappoint! Well, maybe on one front. But i'll get to that...

Do not worry. I will be doing The Untouchables (#242) and it will definitely be up for tomorrow. I just feel it's important to give you my Stray Reviews on the most up to date films as well. Then you can experience them the way films were meant to be experienced. On the big screen.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Django Unchained (#50)

Django Unchained  (#50/250)

Starring: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz.

Rating/Volume: 8.5 (365,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Second post. From now on, I think I'm going to go through the list as near to reverse order as I can to avoid confusion; starting with Arsenic and Old Lace (#250) and concluding with The Shawshank Redemption (#1). Now, until I can get down to hmv I cannot start with Arsenic and Old Lace (#250); I am unfortunately bound by what's available on Netflix, in my personal DVD collection and what I have already seen. Now even though this accounts for most of the list, some of the more obscure and older films (which will still get my full attention) will have to be put off until I can buy/rent them. So bear with me.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

V for Vendetta (#161)

V for Vendetta (#161/250)

Starring: Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving.

Rating/Volume: 8.1 (465,000)
My Rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Well, to be honest. I didn't know where to start.

#1? #250? In the middle? Oldest first? Well I decided I'd go for my favourite film first of all. This is really not biased! Just a great way for me to start the journey and get myself into the routine.

It all started with an accidental encounter. Chaos theory, serendipity, call it whatever you want. When random events in life lead to something unexpected it brings you to the belief that it is the work of fate. Well, I believe it is was fate that V for Vendetta found me that night. Not only was it a real treat to watch but it also helped shape my entire future outlook on the way I feel about films. An overstatement I hear you cry? Nope. It's my favourite film for a reason!

The beginning of a book?

Well, I'd best finally get started.

I, like many other bloggers, am very much into films. I have a very wide taste is genre, stars and eras; so I am not fussy, but I know a good film when I watch one! I've always wanted to do something ambitious in the way of social media. A way to make my ripple in the vast ocean that has become the modern way to get ahead and get noticed in the industry. As I'm going to demonstrate over the year, the film industry is where I want to be. So this is how I'm going to get there.