Tuesday 11 June 2013

The beginning of a book?

Well, I'd best finally get started.

I, like many other bloggers, am very much into films. I have a very wide taste is genre, stars and eras; so I am not fussy, but I know a good film when I watch one! I've always wanted to do something ambitious in the way of social media. A way to make my ripple in the vast ocean that has become the modern way to get ahead and get noticed in the industry. As I'm going to demonstrate over the year, the film industry is where I want to be. So this is how I'm going to get there.

About a month or two ago, one lonely, ambitious night, I made a declaration on my facebook wall. One that promised that I would soon research and start a book. This book would contain a collaboration of 250 film reviews written by none other, than me. However, these particular 250 films would come from none other than one of the most definitive and comprehensive list of films on the internet. The IMDb's Top 250 list. A coveted list of films, as voted by the regular visitors of IMDb, that lays out the highest rated films on the whole website. In my opinion, this makes it the most accurate list of, debatably, the best films ever made*. That's why I thought that a book reviewing all of them would make the ultimate reference.

Well, That's what I'm going to do, over the next year I am going to watch the entire of the Top 250 List and review them all here and on my YouTube channel (check both). I will write a review on each film and even analyse it, giving you a comprehensive guide on the films that are most worth watching.

Now, there are rules...

1. 250 films.

Now, the problem with this is that over the year, the ranks will change slightly and new films may enter/be knocked out of the list. I will make updates to my list (I am taking the list as it is today) and will analyse any changes in my blog.

2. Aiming for a year.

May be more or less depending on the routine I get in after the summer. I'll definitely try to keep it within 365 days.

I will also keep a tabs on how much each made at the box office, how much I spent to watch the film and I promise to give my complete honest opinion. Also, I'm going to give every film one of two very frank ratings. 'Watch' or 'don't watch'. This is so I don't fall into the trap of a middle ground. I either recommend it or I don't.

Well that's enough of an introduction from me. I'm going to upload the first review on what will now be, later today.

Hope you follow me and enjoy my guide. I will post a YouTube channel link ASAP.


The IMDb Top 250 film list

*Now, I'm well aware that opinions will be split on this claim but I'm going to use this list as the source for the blog due to it's popularity, variation and accuracy. So, please be civil about it. :-)

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