Monday 29 July 2013

250 Review; Star Trek (#226)

Star Trek (#226/250)

Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto.
Rating/Volume: 8.0 (335,000)
My Rating: WATCH
Source: DVD


Four years ago now, I went to see this film in the cinema with my good friend AH. In front of us in the line were two lads about our age. Except as opposed to the stereotypical hoodies, jeans and trainers that we were wearing, they were rocking a full Starfleet uniform. In the middle of the day, on their own. One of them even had the ears. I had no idea Shrewsbury had such a dedicated community of nerds. This is just further proof that Star Trek, in its brief three series stint in the limelight, generated a loyal worldwide following in the most unlikely of places. Heavens, even my Mum was one! Needless to say, the new Star Trek (#226) film was a big cultural event not only was it a great nod to to the original series but has made its way onto my top film films ever.

Star Trek (#226) is a reboot of the original 1966 television series of the same name. Despite being cancelled after only having three series it spawned an animated series, four spin-off television series and a twelve film franchise (including the two most recent reboots) as well as numerous comics, novels and games. This film starts with the origin of Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and follows him as he overcomes the odds to finally pilot the starship Enterprise. He then meets up with the original cast and goes to fight the Romulans intent on destroying the federation. 

It's the sort of storyline you expect from a Hollywood reboot such as this. Well, as much as I love this film, the story line (or rather lack of it) is possibly the worst thing about the film. I love a good origin story. People look at films like Iron man and Batman Begins (#105) and complaining about how the origin took practically the whole film. I personally disagree. I love them. Well, I love films like that with characters I care about; and for me Star Trek (#226) was one of those awesome films. For me the characters are so good and I enjoyed just watching a whole film introducing them. I hate to go on about a topic I have already covered. Anybody who read my review on Star Trek Into Darkness (#200) will know just how much I love the cast. Zachary Quinto was born to play Spock, Chris Pine shines in the lead role and the likes of Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban and Simon Pegg make this the best ensemble cast since Harry Potter. But regardless of how much I do love a good origin story for me the plot just wasn't there. The bad guy was wasted on Eric Bana. This guy really impressed my in Hulk and The Time Traveler's Wife but was practically absent in this film. I didn't care about the villain, I didn't care what he was doing and that's never a good sign in a film. It happened with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and I felt like it was happening again in The Wolverine. With Star Trek (#226) and The Wolverine got by because of how good the films were. T,T,S,S didn't because I thought it was an extremely poor film. But nevermind. That's a review for another day. Or not. Anyway, despite it not being too much of a problem for this film it was still troubling. But take solace in the fact that the sequel makes up for the lack of story and more! Star Trek Into Darkness (#200) will be released on DVD and Blu Ray on the 2nd September.

This film won an Oscar; hooray for science fiction films! It was nominated for various music and visual awards but it won the best achievement in makeup. For the year's picks, it was a clear winner. I personally love it when filmmakers strive to achieve the best practical effects as opposed to constantly taking the CGI route. Even though CGI is great and can look amazing. I consider myself a bit of a purist in terms of giving the audience an authentic special effect whenever possible. I loved seeing the odd alien in the background or in Starfleet uniform. The odd green woman, pointy eared man or Romulan. It sets the scene so well into this future Earth. 

Overall, This film is just so great. The action is amazing. This film ties for one of my favourite ten minute opening sequences of all time. Make no mistake this is not simply a nerdy sci-fi film, this is a legitimate action blockbuster that stands up as its own film and as a remake. With the best ensemble cast of recent times and superb special effects this is a great opening film to what will hopefully be a consistently great franchise. I cannot recommend this film enough!

Now, I'm going to ask you to go and watch it yourself. It's currently available on DVD and Blu Ray everywhere from about £4. Feel free to send me a message at with any comments and your own views and opinions and don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Be sure to hit the Share button down below! Also you can follow me on Twitter @reviewthe250 !

Thanks for reading!


Next: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (#219)

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