Tuesday 9 July 2013

News Flash! #4 (09/07/2013)


Okay, quite a big news day today! Let's start with the most exciting of the lot, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has just released a new teaser poster preceding the San Diego Comic Convention (#SDCC) taking place on the 18th July. The poster (right) is of Cap's iconic red, white and blue shield  but the paint has been completely scratched off. What could this symbolise? Has Cap met his match? Does this represent his impending doom, or at the very least some kind of intense struggle? You'll have to wait until the trailer to find out, which hopefully should be released at Comic Con. C'mon, at least a teaser, right? Failing that looks like we'll have to wait until April to find out. Oh well, It will be worth it! If you find out more about this upcoming Marvel phase 2 film then click the link below to access my YouTube video on the matter. You'll want Part 2. Feel free to comment and give me any of your opinions on my videos and any of the Marvel phases.


Another news nugget is the announcement by Guillermo Del Toro that Hellboy 3 is unlikely to ever happen. He said that because he cannot bring the various elements together at the right time (e.g. cast, creator, producer, rights etc) then  it is likely to stay shelved. Guillermo Del Toro is the director of the previous two Hellboy Films, he is also the director of the upcoming video game adaptation Pacific Rim. This is sad news for me personally as I loved the previous two Hellboy films and will be sad if the Ron Perlman gets too old before he can portray the role again. But that's just me. Would you like to see a trilogy form? What did you think of the first two films? Are you looking forward to Pacific Rim? Leave your comments, questions and thoughts down below.

The World's End is coming to cinema near you on the 19th July! To celebrate the arrival of the final part to Edgar Wright's Cornetto Trilogy I will be reviewing his top 3 films to date in a four day special event. Shaun of the Dead on the 16th, Hot Fuzz on the 17th, Scott Pilgrim Vs the World on the 18th and then The World's End on the night of it's release the 19th. It's the least I can do to honour this legend of a film director the only way I know how. I'll be giving you updates on this event as the time gets nearer. I hope you're all looking forward to it, I know I am!

That's all for today, thanks for reading and you can expect my next blog entry tomorrow evening.

As always, feel free to comment below!



@reviewthe250 #review250

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