Sunday 16 June 2013

News Flash! #1 (17/06/2013)


Welcome to the first of what I hope will be many news flashes in the year to come!

First I would just like to thank my so far 400 readers over the past week from the UK, USA, Germany, The Netherlands, India and Australia  A great achievement so far and I hope you're all enjoying my reviews. I also hope I'm inspiring you to go out and watch these great films.

I have just created a dedicated email address that I will update across my current network, however do not fear, my old one will still be operational and I will be checking it.

I have also set up a youtube channel that I will put a link to on the next news flash or when it is operational. I will use this to do video reviews as well as news updates. Now, I am aiming to put my first video up by the 1st July. This will be a video review in my IMDb Top 250 review series. As soon as I upload the video I will post it on Facebook, Twitter and in News Flash.

Also I now have a facebook page and a twitter account,

I'll be using them to give you updates when I upload new content.

I've decided that I will post content every weekday and I will take the weekends off. After all, there's no point trying to stick to unreasonable targets.

Thanks for making this a huge success so far and I hope you'll follow me on my journey.

Remember to Like, Share, Tweet, Comment and email me with any views, comments or questions.

Thanks for reading!


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