Tuesday 18 June 2013

Sort of Stray Review; Star Trek Into Darkness (#186) (Out now)

Star Trek Into Darkness (#186/250)

Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto.
Rating/Volume: 8.1 (105,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: Cineworld cinemas

Now, technically, this isn't a stray review. I know readers like reading more up to date film reviews as well as my Top 250 film reviews so Star Trek Into Darkness (#186) is one I've been thinking about reviewing for a day or two now. However, my thoughts were concreted by the discovery that this sequel has in fact entered the Top 250! Making this a great opportunity not only to review this film while you have a few days left to go and see it in the cinema (at least in the UK) but whilst also crossing it off my list. Good thinking, Will!

A quick intro to the film. This sequel to the Oscar winning 2009 film Star Trek (#222) stars Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto reprising their roles as the classic double act Captain Kirk and Spock, respectively. After an attack on a London head quarters of Star Fleet Kirk and Spock attend a meeting to discuss the future plan of action, when there is another sudden attack by none other than the mysterious Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch). After Kirk and Spock are left the only survivors in this attack, they take the enterprise to far off places in space in order to capture him and bring him to justice. 

This is possibly my favourite movie of this year so far! One of my favourite (actually, perhaps my first favourite) sci-fi/action films of all time is the first 2009 film so this was quite an anticipation since the start of 2013. Now, in an ideal world I would have done the Star Trek (#222) film first but, because it's further down in the charts than where I currently am in the top 250 list and because this movie is still in cinemas, it made sense to write this now. So I won't go on too much about the first one. But just let the record say, it is awesome. Ever since I heard this would be coming out I knew I would be seeing it straight away. The week it came out, a personal set of circumstances meant that my Nan was stopping the week with us. Which is cool, I just thought I would have to put off watching it for a week. But no! It turns out, my Nan liked the original Star Trek and the 2009 film, so we all went to it together; great success! What's more, we all really enjoyed it. 

My favourite thing about this film is by far the cast. Not only the addition of the the sensational Benedict Cumberbatch to the team as  Kahn, but every single crew member of the SS Enterprise! Every role is amazingly well cast. Simon Peggy as Scotty makes my sides split every time. Yelchin, Urban and Saldana fit their roles like gloves. Zachary Quinto. ZACHARY QUINTO. ZACHARY FLIPPING QUINTO. Well, I'd go as far as to say that that man was born to play Spock. He looks like Spock. He moves and talks like Spock should move and talk. He just acts it so well. Too well. As far as portrayals of existing characters go I would put his accuracy up their with Heath Ledger's Joker! In one of his final scenes I was almost in tears. I want to see a trilogy for no other reason than to see this man in the role he was born to play once again. Also, the role of Captain Kirk was the first major lead role of Chris Pine's acting career. He brings a cocky, heartfelt youthfulness to the role of Kirk. He was a great fit and his career has moved on leaps and bounds since the first film. But, even though deep down Quinto was my favourite character, Benedict Cumberbatch was still the major talent in this film. After the success of his BBC hit drama Sherlock, his career has spiralled out of control. Starring in huge blockbusters such as Star Trek Into Darkness (#186), War Horse, The Hobbit (#206) and the upcoming Hobbit 2, he's gone from being a relative unknown to being at the top of Hollywood's wish list. He particularly plays a very good Khan. His strength, manipulation and cunning are really demonstrated from his cocky and cold expressions to his strong action scenes. They where so well done. Especially the one at the end (limited spoilers). But it's a doozy! Really, just great. 

This leads me nicely on to the special effects. Now space movies are always a good excuse to throw in loads of planet explosions and grand ships with flying explosions. Even though they're epic, I can sometimes be put off by unnecessary loud bangs and flashing lights that are just there to overwhelm you and trick you into being excited. This wasn't like that at all. It really was edge of your seat action with as many practical and make-up effects than there was CGI. One of my favourite scenes was at the very beginning of the film and involved Spock being caught in the middle of a volcano. Actually, it was my favourite scene. The scale of all the effects were just right from when Kirk and Bones jump off the cliff to when Spock gets rescued in the nick of time. It was suspenseful stuff; and even better on the big screen! This film is another great example of why I'm sure JJ Abrams will have no trouble doing Star Wars VII. He has this great vision that makes epic action films such as this leap from the screen. I'd consider him one of the only actors out there that have the talent and mass appeal to make Abrams the new Spielberg in terms of the new iconic go-to director. At least I hope so. Let it be known that I completely dislike the entire Star Wars franchise (as much as that annoys people) but I may actually go and see this one in 2015 simply because of him. That's quite a big deal, for me.

Really though, I cannot praise this movie up enough. It's an excellent sequel, and excellent film even if you haven't seen the first one and also one of the best special effects films this year along with Iron Man 3 and Man Of Steel. It's still on at most cinemas in the UK (and in my local multiplex until Friday) but, please, do catch it before it goes. You'll definitely remember it as a great summer blockbuster and perhaps the film that concretes the continuation of a great franchise.

Overall, a great sci-fi action adventure with a superb ensemble cast that will definitely be remembered for years to come as a truly epic movie!

Now, I'm going to ask you to go and watch it yourself. It's just about still in cinemas in the UK and it will be no doubt on DVD and Blu Ray within the next 3 months. Feel free to send me a message at reviewthe250@gmail.com with any comments and your own views and opinions.

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Thanks for reading!


Next: Rain Man (#236)

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