Friday 18 October 2013

News Flash! #6 (18/10/2013)


Hello and welcome to the sixth edition of NewsFlash!

First of all this is the first week of my first week back here at Review The 250 and It's already starting back with positive feedback. I'm glad that you're all enjoying my articles, but as always, one thing you can really do to help me is to give me a big share on your facebook pages, retweet my tweets and like my facebook page! This would really help me out and let my reach get further.

My first item of news today is that as you know Halloween is a week this Thursday so to celebrate review the 250 is having a Halloween special starting Monday 28th and ending on Thursday 31st. Here I will hope to give my reviews on the latest and greatest horror films of all time. I will give more details in my next NewsFlash. I hope you will all stay tuned in. Also, I will do my Thor: The Dark World review on Wednesday 30th of that week so that you are clued up for that weekend.

My second item today is the video that Vin Diesel has recently uploaded a video of himself practicing for his apparent role of Groot in Marvel's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy directed by James Gunn. The video is of Vin Diesel on stilts running around telling of how he's practising for his motion capture role as the 7 foot tall tree creature with just one line. Now these images seem concrete to suggest that he definitely has the role, however it begs the question as to why Marvel has not yet official confirmed the fact that he has the role. Ben Child from The Guardian's Week in Geek suggests that this may just be a big joke on the fanboy community. 

What do you think? Is he Groot?
Could he instead be playing Thanos?
What is his mystery 2016 project with Marvel?
Leave your comments below.

That's all for today, thanks for reading and you can expect my next blog entry tomorrow evening.

As always, feel free to comment below!



@reviewthe250 #review250

Footage of Vin Diesel:
Guardian Article:

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