Wednesday 17 July 2013

TWE 4 Day Special; Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost.
Rating/Volume: 7.9 (224,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Welcome to the second instalment into Review The 250's four day The World's End special event where I have been reviewing Edgar Wright's top four films (one each day) concluding with The World's End on Friday when it will be in cinemas everywhere!

A quick intro for those of you who haven't seen this film. Hot Fuzz follows a police officer called Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg). He is London's super-cop with the highest arrest record, competency levels and dedication to the force. Until, due to the jealousy of his superior officers, he is transferred to the countryside. As he starts to settle in, there seems to be a high number of fatal 'accidents' occurring in the village. Due to the local police force's evident incompetence it's up to him and his new partner Danny (Nick Frost) to investigate these accidents and uncover a mysterious secret hidden behind the award winning village of Sandford, Gloucestershire.

I first watched this film in my Uncle's old cinema room. You see, back in 2007 I wasn't the film buff I am today. I'd seen Shaun of the Dead and enjoyed it but I had no idea they were linked until I saw this film about a year after it was in cinema. Needless to say, as soon as I watched it I went straight out and bought the DVD. Well, actually that's a bit of a lie. I've been a long-time advocate of anti-piracy and I often lecture my friend and family on pirated films and music. But I was once the worst pirate there was. My entire DVD collection used to be made up of pirates; which came from my Sunday job as a market trader. I used to take my wages go down to the DVD stall and ask to see his 'secret stash' where he'd show me all the 'latest releases' for that week. I was young, I was foolish. I didn't care where they came from, I didn't even understand the concept of piracy, I just wanted to see the Thunderbirds film a hundred times before it came out in cinemas! When I moved house, I saw the error of my ways and threw out the tens of tens of DVDs I'd collected straight in the rubbish bin. I've been clean ever since. But to this day, out of the hundreds of legitimate DVDs I've accumulated over the past 7-8 year I still have 3 pirate DVDs. Hairspray, Bruce Almighty and Hot Fuzz. I don't know why these three in particular but I do. I think I still have Hairspray and Bruce Almighty because I don't love the films enough to buy them. But Hot Fuzz; every time I walk past it in HMV I debate with myself about buying it for real. But I have long since decided that even though I already own Shaun of the Dead, I am going to but the whole trilogy when it's released. On Blu Ray! That's how much I love the films and if Hot Fuzz won't get you interested in going to see The World's End then nothing will!

Amongst other things I credit this film with having one of the best openings to a film in cinematic history. Not because it's action packed or deeply emotional; just because it is a very well put together scene. Well actually, I think it's fast paced enough to call it at least a little bit action-y. It is a montage of Nicholas Angel's career so far and all his achievements. It's fast paced, fun and it sets the pace for his life in London. It's only about 2 minutes long and it feels shorter than that, but it manages to fit in a lot of humour, "completing courses in advanced driving, and advanced cycling". You really need to watch it, but I almost choke every time I see Nicholas's face as he turns around on that bicycle! It's when they announce he has to go to the country that it suddenly slows down and the music goes from Goody Two Shoes to Village Green Preservation Society. I love it. Every single scene in this film is a treat. Not once is there an unnecessary sequence; one that makes you feel bored or confused. That's Edgar Wright's gift. It is a very well made film. 

Once again, Pegg and Frost are on form. Usually, Simon Pegg is always the leading man and Nick Frost is always the comic relief sidekick. However, by far the funniest thing about this film has to be the wide array of supporting and background characters. The typical crowd you expect to see in the typical village at the typical village fete with their typical day jobs. All over-nice, all country bumpkins and all individually brilliant. My favourite supporting character has to be Arthur Webley played by the extremely talented and underrated David Bradley. You'd know him as Filch the caretaker from the Harry Potter films. I have only seen him in a few films and TV shows but he impresses me with each performance. In Hot Fuzz he is hilarious. The joke about this character is that his accent is so thick that it has to be translated through two people. He performs the role so well and is such a believable village idiot! He has me in stitches all through his total of about five minutes screen time. Very funny. I also really appreciated Timothy Dalton's character. He played a very good slime ball and you can't help but hate him even straight from the beginning. The thing I love about smaller films are trying to spot the cameos. Did you know Angel's ex fiancee Janine was played by Hollywood actress Cate Blanchett? And also, Father Christmas (again, from the beginning montage) is played by Hollywood director Peter Jackson! It doesn't give a huge helping hand to the quality of the film but it definitely makes me smile to think that these people really do love making films and that it really translates into the quality. Plus, it is a nice bit of trivia to know. For me the entire cast makes this film. From the real power houses of British acting talent to the superb supporting cast. They're excellent. 

Overall, this film is such a classic. It's one of my favourite comedies of all time and it has so much character and heart. A must see for everybody. I cannot recommend it strongly enough!

Now, I'm going to ask you to go and watch it yourself. It's available on DVD and Blu Ray everywhere from £3. Feel free to send me a message at with any comments and your own views and opinions and don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Be sure to hit the Share button down below! Also you can follow me on Twitter @reviewthe250 !

Thanks for reading!


Next: Day 3 in our 4 day The World's End special event: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

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