Thursday 18 July 2013

TWE 4 Day Special; Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Starring: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Rating/Volume: 7.5 (174,000)
My rating: WATCH
Source: DVD

Welcome to the penultimate instalment of Review The 250's four day The World's End special event where I have been reviewing Edgar Wright's top four films (one each day) concluding with The World's End tomorrow when it will be in cinemas everywhere!

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is Edgar Wright's third feature film. It is not part of his Cornetto trilogy but is still damn good! It is an adaptation based on the series of comic books created by Bryan Lee O'Malley about a 22 year old musician Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) who after meeting the mysterious Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) finds out that if he wants to continue to date her he must battle her seven evil exes. 

This film is visually incredible. I'll only briefly mention the comic book because I'm aware that this is a film blog and not everybody cares about comics (even though they should!); I went to Waterstones to find the original comic and I was surprised as to just how accurate Edgar Wright had kept the film to it's source material. I thinks it's incredibly commendable. People tend to get rather vocally angry when filmmakers show little to no respect to the source material of their favourite book and I think it should be exactly the same for graphic novels. I think if he can do the same with the Ant Man screenplay he's just finished with Joe Cornish then I think we're in for one hell of a Hank Pym in 2015! It's important to remember throughout the whole film that this is a comic book film because every shot is suitably very dynamic and fast paced. What I really love are the various onomatopoeic buzz words that keep flying up on screen whenever there is a loud on screen sound effect. Very reminiscent of the 1960's Batman and the original comics. I love it. It really makes for great visual effects and adds atmosphere. One way that I will describe the whole way the effects are delivered (in fact, the way everything's delivered) is over the top. Melodramatic. Every punch, every doorbell, every song. BAM, BAM, BAM. Right in your face. But it really works. It's one of the only films that I've ever considered re-buying on Blu Ray just because of how good the visuals are and how good they are integrated into the reality of this typical girl meets boy story. In cinemas it was mind blowing. It's definitely one of the biggest selling points of the film. 

The second best thing about this film is the music. Another first, it's the only film made where I have actively searched for the soundtrack. It's all essentially indie rock music and each song was written by bands especially for the film. But no matter how long or short the song was, I find all of them catchy and they fit in so well with the world that Wright has created. One of my personal favourite songs is Black Sheep sung by the fictional band The Clash at Demonhead. I really suggest you YouTube it or at least look out for it if you watch the film (which I hope you do). It's nice to think that a lot of work went into the music as it is often overlooked in big films, especially comic book adaptations. All the actors had to learn their instruments for the film. In fact it was only Michael Cera who already knew how to play guitar before hand so I should imagine this set him in good stead for being the lead. Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of Michael Cera. I obviously have no idea what he is like in person; I'm sure he's a really nice guy. But I find the characters he plays in his films (or should I say character) really irritate me. The shy, pathetic, awkward teen that you just want to euthanize. I hated Superbad, I found him unrealistic in Juno and I found the Youth In Revolt trailer just straight forward cringey. That being said, I couldn't have casted a better Scott Pilgrim if I'd have tried. He really impressed me. I found him surprisingly capable in all the action sequences, I thought his comic timing made the film the roaring comedy that it was and his sarcastic and low energy demeanour really helped set the tone for the whole movie.For me, he redeemed his entire career so far in this two hour time slot. Good going, Cera! Weaved in with the seven battles is the story of Scott cheating on his younger Chinese girlfriend Knives Chau (Ellen Wong). Wong does a really great job in this film; melodramatic and still subtly hilarious. In fact all the acting is great. Not only is it well cast but each individual actor/actress really shines. There is not one single weak link in this cast and they are all hilarious.

Now, one thing I sadly must address. There is an inconvenient truth to this film. It's not for everybody. I have a varied range of friends and after much interrogation I would say about roughly half of people hate this film and about the other half absolutely love it. This personally perplexes me. Now I always recommend films that I love and that I think other people would enjoy. Me and my girlfriend watch this film all the time together. In fact, she's borrowed it off me this weekend and I've had it for well over a couple of years now. That being said, it is definitely a film that will be appreciated more by teenagers and the more weathered film fans. Even I can see why much of the mainstream audience would find it a strange film. It's melodramatic, sarcastic and there is a lot of humour that involves teenage mannerisms and stereotypes. I can see how many people could mistake it for low brow humour with an odd premise. But I still must argue that this is a fantastic movie. 

Overall, this movie has a great story, great humour, a fantastic upbeat soundtrack, superb acting and visuals that will blow your socks off. The fact that it is so respectful to the source material must also count for a lot. Please give this film a watch. I personally think that this is one of the most technically brilliant films ever made and possibly the best straight up graphic novel adaptation.

Well, well, well. The time has arrived! I hope the past three days have convinced you to go out tomorrow and give The World's End a try. I will be uploading my review tomorrow straight after I see the film so you can follow me on twitter (@reviewthe250) and like me on facebook ( to get the instant news.

Now, I'm going to ask you to go and watch it yourself. It's available on DVD and Blu Ray everywhere from about £5. Feel free to send me a message at with any comments and your own views and opinions and don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Be sure to hit the Share button down below! Also you can follow me on Twitter @reviewthe250 !

Thanks for reading!


Next: Day four, THE WORLD'S END!

P.S. If you like the look of all three films I have reviewed over the past three days they are all available as a box set. The link for it is below.

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