Friday 28 June 2013

News Flash! #2 (29/06/2013)


Hello! If you are still reading my blog after these past few weeks, then congratulations!

First off I would like to draw attention to some readership stats that have cropped up. It seems that for about a week now, about half of all my readers have been Russian! I don't particularly know what has caused this sudden increase in traffic from Russia but I am certainly not complaining. So, a big shout out to all my new Russian readers! Спасибо и продолжайте читать!

I've had a busy week, my Dad's taken a break so I've been house sitting and working his stall for him the past week, so that's kept me busy. I've also been working hard to get my new Youtube channel up and running. My aim to to soon start doing video reviews, analysis and news on Youtube every week as well as just essay reviews that I hope to do most weekdays and upload to my existing blog.

This is still a project that I am committed to and I am very much enjoying. Whether an IMDB 250 review every week night as well as Stray Reviews, Newsflashes, Industry Analysis (which I'm hoping to start soon) and video blogs is a bit ambitious we will soon see. I think I will start allocating a day for each topic. E.g. Stray Reviews on a Wednesday night (because that is mine and my girlfriend's cinema night), IMDB 250 blogs on a Monday night etc. Now, I know what you're thinking, It will take almost 5 years to complete this ever changing list if I only do one a week! But, I think I'd rather it take that long than to try to rush through it in a year. After all, I think I want my blog to be about quality articles and reviews more so than large volumes of rushed work. My goal is to educate and aid people in their film discoveries while at the same time entertaining people, not just the other way around. Also, let's point out the big picture. As of today's list I have only seen 61 out of the 250 films on the list. That's only 24% of them. That means that there's 189 films that I actually have to go out and watch in order to review this list properly. That's going to get expensive! So, it may take time. I always check Netflix, the TV schedule and iPlayer for any helping hands, but I may have to take this slower unless I can start generating a bit of revenue from AdSense. We'll see, but I'm still determined!

Also, I want to emphasise that I am definitely not side tracking my goal of reviewing the IMDB top 250 list. This goal has so far gained me a base of loyal readers from countries afar (you know who you are) and it is the idea that got me going in the first place. But, I have decided that the Stray Reviews of the new film releases are as equally important due to the fact you still have the potential to go and see in in cinemas; which in my opinion is the only way to truly watch a film. It's this combination that I hope will keep my blog feeling fresh and different. 

On a different note, I am getting some logos designed for my blog and Youtube channel. This is in collaboration with a good friend of mine, Alli Vanes (his website is down below). Hopefully they're going to be great and really make the place look nice and tidy! 

So, expect a relatively quiet week off me while I get everything ready for my first video (expected before Friday, at the latest). I will be uploading the promised Ratatouille (#228) review this week along with two Stray Reviews; World War Z and Despicable Me 2. I enjoyed them both and I hope to get them both up by Tuesday at the latest. 

Please keep checking back. There are some things you can do to really help me out. Like, Share, Retweet, Follow, Subscribe  Comment, Email and read my articles! All the information for my various Social networks are here:

See what you can do, but most importantly keep reading! Keep coming back! Keep broadening your cinematic horizons! What have you got to lose?

Thank you very much for reading!


Alli's page:

1 comment:

  1. Yo film bro. Love the blog. Looking forward to the next review.....
